Investment castings have been traditionally specified for applications requiring exceptional accuracy, thin wall capability, complexity, and fine detail reproduction. From jewelry and medical implants to larger industrial components, this process has evolved due to both market demand as well as technology advancements.
At Microtech Cast Forge, we believe in early involvement and working with customer to attain maximum value from the investment castings production process. We are fortunate to have a unique staff that is willing to support you in creative production design. Any assistance needed ranging from a simple tolerance review the full scale concurrent engineering is available at our plant site.
Regardless of complexity, almost any part can be produced as one-piece configurations, which are inherently strong in all directions. Many part features which are especially difficult to machine, such as cams, grooves, bosses, holes and slots, can be readily produced by the Investment Castings Process.
Coring of internal configuration not possible with other manufacturing processes is readily cast in the investment casting process. A thin wall capability and stronger and lighter weight alloys to achieve the same part properties are available through investment castings. With investment casting process , you can switch from one metal to another (ferrous or non-ferrous) and back again, keeping in mind some dimensional variances may occur with same dies/ tooling.
Since investment castings minimize machining, can upgrade materials to attain higher mechanical properties and stronger parts.
Whenever you have a project that requires metal components, Microtech Cast Forge can provide the investment castings design assistance to make your product a success. We encourage you to take advantages of our competence.
For manufacturing/construction of metallic Die/Tooling which, in fact, used as a negative replica of the Investment Cast Component, we have with us all CAD/CAM facilities.
On receipt of the machining drawing which is scrutinized & vetted, IC Drawing is prepared with the help of CAD/CAM facilities.
Inspection both visually and dimensionally are carried out before wax pattern injection and wax patterns after injection
Depending on No. of Cavities, Complexity of Die, Production Life of Die, Dimensional Stability etc. Die material is selected.
Proper care is taken while development of Die like:
On the basis of IC Drawing, Die Design Drawing is prepared by CAD/CAM facilities keeping in view positions of Parting Line, Injection Point & Gate Position. Multi-cavity Die are designed in CAD Software depending on requirements.